Scientific Program
A cure for Hepatitis C: Now what?
Charles Rice, The Rockefeller University
Monday, July 14, 2025
"+I5:I23+I5:I25Mastering the host: Rotavirus manipulation of the translation machinery"
Susana López-Charretón, Universidad Nacional Autónonma de México
"From Cells to Spillover: Unraveling the Tropism and Pathogenesis of Paramyxoviruses”
Benhur Lee, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
"Endosomal entry of herpes simplex virus"
Anthony Nicola, Washington State University
Ann Palmenberg Junior Investigator Awards & Presentations
ASV 2024 Ann Palmenberg Junior Investigator Awardees
"Tales of Tails: Metabolic Dynamics following Human Cytomegalovirus Infection"
John Purdy, University of Arizona
"The missing link: How metabolism can inform on new approaches to combat viral infection and transmission"
Rushika Perera, Colorado State University
"Viroporin Calcium Signaling: Making Waves in the Host/Virus Arms Race"
Joseph Hyser, Baylor College of Medicine
“Innovation and Constraint in RNA Virus Evolution”
Patrick Dolan, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
"HIV-1 Assembly at the Plasma Membrane: What’s in the Envelope can Change Your Fate"
Akira Ono, University of Michigan
“Mapping the Transcriptional Responses to VSV-Vectored vaccines against Filovirus disease”
Ilhem Messaoudi Powers, University of Kentucky
"Cell-to-Cell Transmission by Viruses: Mechanisms of Action and Modulation by Host Factors"
Shan-Lu Liu, The Ohio State University
"Pathogenic mechanisms of emerging flaviviruses"
Helen Lazear, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Viral immune antagonism of host nuclear functions"
Daisy Leung, Washington University
"Small RNA and antiviral defense systems"
Sir David Baulcombe, University of Cambridge
"Host restriction of viral infections"
Chen Liang, McGill University
"Mechanisms of norovirus-induced cell death and egress"
Tiffany Reese, The University of Texas Southwestern
"Unlocking an ancient immune defense: mobilizing complement for KSHV vaccine design"
Ting-Ting Wu, University of California Los Angeles
State-of-the-Art Lectures
“virus impacts on the gut microbiome; evolution & dynamics”
Pauline Scanlan, University College Cork
"Location, Location, Location: Why "where" matters for immunity to viruses"
Mehul Suthar, Emory University
"HIV innate immunity, DNA damage"
Oliver Fregoso, UCLA - UC Santa Cruz
“Cambodia emerging viruses, robotic sampling, ecology”
Erik Karlsson, Institut Pasteur du Cambodge
“viruses & plasmodesmata; plant virology”
Tessa Burch Smith, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
"single virion biology; particle imaging"
Tijana Ivanovic, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Satellite Symposia
Emerging Zoonoses and Priority Pathogens
Selena M. Sagan, The University of British Columbia
Kanta Subbarao, Université Laval and University of Melbourne
Emerging infectious diseases, public health emergencies of international concern, epidemics, and pandemics are predominantly zoonotic in origin, with over 70% originating from a wildlife source. While high-throughput sequencing enabled the rapid identification of a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) as the causative agent of COVID-19, the lack of outbreak mitigation expertise, infrastructure, surveillance strategies, and overall pandemic readiness limited our preparedness and response. Despite this recent experience, we remain unprepared for future pandemics despite our awareness of the ongoing global spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), monkeypox, and African swine fever and regional outbreaks of Nipah virus, Dengue virus, and Chikungunya virus. The goal of our satellite symposium is to bring together virologists, immunologists, biologists, and disease ecologists for talks and discussions to identify gaps in One Health competencies and promote best practices in emerging zoonoses research. This will serve as a venue for knowledge exchange across fields and between nations, as well as an update on cutting-edge research on emerging and re-emerging viral pathogens.
Plant Virology: Pioneering Research for a Healthier Future
Anna Whitfield, North Carolina State University, Councilor For Plant Virology
A satellite symposium featuring key topics in plant virology spanning molecular mechanisms of gene expression to virus ecology and translational uses of plant viruses to improve human health.
Trainee Workshop: Exploring the Intersection of Culture, Communication, And Mentorship in Science.
Roberto Miguel Alers-Velazquez, Dartmouth College, Councilor For Virology Trainees
Laura St. Clair, Johns Hopkins University, Councilors For Virology Trainees
This satellite symposium, designed as a trainee-only event, will allow trainees to reflect openly on their relationships within academia, focusing on communication challenges and cultural differences within academic settings. Participants will learn to discuss common barriers to effective communication and explore strategies for fostering better academic mentorship. Additionally, the symposium will address the impact of cultural differences and encourage trainees to express themselves authentically, reducing the need for code-switching. The goal is to empower trainees with practical tools and tactics to enhance their working relationships with advisors and create more inclusive and supportive academic environments.
Next Generation Virology: Technology and Conceptual Frontiers
Benhur Lee, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Councilor For Medical Virology
Scientific progress is increasingly driven by technological advances and cross-disciplinary innovations. This forward-looking symposium steps away from traditional topic-specific formats to showcase innovative research pushing the boundaries of virology. This session brings together pioneers from diverse fields, including systems virology, machine learning, high-throughput antibody characterization, organoid systems, and synthetic biology. By featuring cutting-edge techniques and interdisciplinary approaches, the symposium aims to illuminate new pathways for understanding viral biology, host-pathogen interactions, and potential therapeutic interventions. Attendees will gain insights into how emerging technologies and novel conceptual frameworks are reshaping the landscape of virological research, promising to accelerate discoveries and open new avenues for combating viral diseases.
Special Events & Workshops
*coming soon*
Schedule at a Glance
All event times are in the Eastern Time Zone (GMT-4)
Times are subject to change.

Concurrent Workshop Schedule
*coming soon*