Abstract Submission Guidelines

Electronic Submission: All abstracts for the 2024 Annual Meeting must be submitted electronically at https://asv2024.abstractcentral.com/ for processing, evaluation and inclusion in the ASV 2024 Scientific Program & Abstracts. Complete instructions for electronic submission protocols are provided on the abstract submission website.

Deadline: Deadline for receipt of electronic abstracts is Thursday, February 1, 2024 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time.

Presentation format options: Abstract submitters can apply to give an oral talk, flash talk with poster, or a poster.

  • Oral talks are 12-minute presentations, with 3 minutes for questions and answers.
  • Flash talks with posters use a short “elevator pitch” format to advertise a poster and draw the audience to a subsequent poster session for further discussion. Flash talks will be 3 minutes with a maximum of 2 slides, and no time for questions.
  • Posters will be presented in a standard scientific poster session format.

Additional information, details, and tips for each presentation format will be provided on ASV’s website.


Abstract Authorship: The first author listed in the list of authors on the abstract must be the person who will actually present the talk or poster. You will also list the email address of this first author (first = presenting author) on the submission form and they will receive all email notifications regarding the date, session and time of presentation.

Abstract Sponsors: An abstract sponsor is an ASV Full Member who can attest that an abstract is scientifically sound and ready for presentation. Non ASV members, ASV student members, and ASV associate members will need to provide the name and email of their sponsors when submitting their abstract. If you are a Full ASV member, you can list yourself on the submission form. Sponsors’ membership dues must be up to date for 2024. If you cannot identify a Full ASV member to sponsor your abstract, contact [email protected].

Withdrawal: Because withdrawal of an abstract greatly disrupts the continuity of the program, do not request a workshop (oral) presentation unless you are certain that you or a co-author will present the paper at the meeting. Every attempt will be made to honor your presentation preference. However, because of the large number of abstracts, not all oral presentations can be accommodated.

If an emergency arises and you must withdraw your abstract (and no co-author is able to make the presentation in your place), you must immediately notify the ASV Office via email at [email protected] or by telephone at 734-764-9686.


Word Count: Maximum number of words for the abstract text: 300.

Abstract Title: The title should be concise and informative. Avoid superfluous words such as "preliminary studies on" etc.

Abstract Content: The abstract should educate the reader by clearly stating the originality of the work and its specific conclusions. It is NOT appropriate to state: "The results will be discussed.” All abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee but will not be edited. Carefully proofread your abstract for errors.

Tables and Figures: These items are permitted in the abstract.

Topics & Themes: During abstract submission, you will be asked to select 2 or more topics that best match your presentation theme (minimum of 2; maximum of 3 topics). Topics can be chosen from either or both of the lists below. These topic choices will be used to help place abstracts in related sessions.

Virus Families

  • Adeno-, Papilloma-, & Polyomaviruses
  • Arenaviruses
  • Arthropod-borne viruses (Arboviruses)
  • Bacteriophages & Archaeal viruses
  • Bornaviruses
  • Bunyaviruses
  • Calici- & Astroviruses
  • Coronaviruses & Arteriviruses
  • Filoviruses
  • Flaviviruses
  • Giant viruses, Fungal viruses, & Algal viruses
  • Hepatitis Viruses
  • Herpesviruses
  • Invertebrate Viruses
  • Orthomyxoviruses
  • Paramyxoviruses & Pneumoviruses
  • Parvo- & Circoviruses
  • Picornaviruses
  • Plant Viruses
  • Poxviruses
  • Reoviruses & Birnaviruses
  • Retroviruses
  • Rhabdoviruses
  • Rotaviruses
  • Togaviruses


  • Adaptive Immunity
  • Antiviral Therapies
  • Careers Workshop Only
  • Chromatin Biology
  • Chronic, Latent & Persistent Infections
  • Cytokines, Chemokines, & their Receptors
  • Diverse Scientists and DEI-Highlights* (please pick as 2nd or 3rd choice topic only)
  • Emerging Viruses
  • Epidemiology & Public Health
  • Evolution, Ecology, & Reservoirs
  • Innate Immune Effector Functions
  • Innate Immune Sensing
  • Viral Interference with Host Defense
  • Non-coding RNAs
  • Novel Methodology & Technology
  • Virus-based Therapies & Viral Vectors
  • Pathogenesis
  • Physiological Barriers to Infection
  • Polymicrobial or Multi-virus Interactions
  • Receptors, Attachment & Entry
  • Replication & Gene Expression
  • Reverse Transcription & Integration
  • RNA Biology
  • Signal Transduction
  • Single Cell Virology
  • Structural Virology
  • Systems Biology & Metabolism
  • Trafficking, Assembly, Egress, & Transmission
  • Tumor virology, Transformation & Oncogenesis
  • Vaccines
  • Veterinary Virology
  • Virology Education
  • Virus Discovery
  • Virus-triggered Cell Death Pathways

* This topic reflects the themes of the Trainee-Councilor-organized satellite symposium from ASV 2023. In years when there is not a separate satellite session organized by the Trainee-Councilors, ASV may include this as an organizing theme for one of the concurrent workshop sessions.


Sandra Quackenbush, Secretary
Pranav Danthi, Treasurer
University of Michigan Medical School
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
1150 West Medical Center Drive, 5655 Med Sci II
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5620
Telephone: 734-764-9686
Email: [email protected]


Andréa Garcia
Program Manager
Email: [email protected]

Photo Credit Gallery


Kevin J. Sokoloski
Associate Professor
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
University of Louisville, School of Medicine
Tel: 734-764-9686
[email protected]


Jonathan Simon
Administrative Assistant
Email: [email protected]

ASV 2025

July 14 - 18, 2025

44th Annual Meeting
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Hosted by McGill University
Montréal, Quebec (CA)

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